Friday, May 18, 2007

The first posting...

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead

I haven't written a real blog in years, since Danny and I were dating-which needless too say seems like a long, long time ago as I stare down at our first born child. The lore is true, a woman knows the man she is going to marry and have children with when she sees him. (Not to be confused with the whole corny american "love at first sight" myth) but you do get this *feeling* when you first meet. . . Anyway, with my husband and my new baby, I'm happier now than I ever remember being in my life.

It makes me want a big family~ at least two children, maybe even four? six? Maybe. I saw the large families while studying anthropology, I have to admit I don't know how peoples like the Hmong manage it but good god it looks FUN. Everyone is close to everyone. They practice attachment parenting, breastfeed-sometimes in tandem-wear their babies, share their beds with them and everything. I want that...something in me thinks that is the future we need. Danny seems to be leaning that way too. He says that as long as we raise our children to make the world a better place, we SHOULD have a large family.

That being said, I still want about three years between every child.

Here's hoping our dreams eventually become a reality...

On another note, Kai goes for a second round of shots. She was in the population that had a bit of a painful reaction to some ingredients in the injections and I'm not looking forward to seeing her in pain like that again...Nothing really prepares you to see your child screaming in terror.