Tuesday, April 1, 2008

updates and late late late

I've started substitute teaching, I really like it. I'm dismayed at how unhappy the kids are with school-not the learning part-how they are treated. It makes me really want to homeschool kai after she gets to a certain age. when they are younger, school is fun and quite good for them. once the heirarchy crap kicks in, so does the abuse, and the kids attitude toward it all goes sour. Socialization with all of those negatives is actually damaging. I don't want that for Kai. I want something better. My husband agrees. Perhaps because now I've seen the schools as an insider. Our nation has so far to go on these issues. It's very sad.

Kai is doing well though. She is learning new words everyday at only 14 months (like DONE! and YUCK! and MEEOW kitty!) It was so hard to leave her here with danny to go to work. I just have to keep telling myself I'm lucky-I get to work from home alot and then I only have to teach one or two days a week. Its still hard to watch your daughter wake up early so that she can make sure you're still at home.

On another topic, I'm late (I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date...*sorry*) I took a test and it was negative. Even when you aren't planning on a prengancy, why is that one line so depressing? Maybe it's because I had so a hard time concieving the first time? I'm still nursing so its not a huge shock to be irregular but it had seemed everything was cyclical again, so I'm confused. Maybe its too early for a test? Who knows. Money is tight, but wow wouldnt another squalling little one running through the house be dreamy? Ok so dreamy and a ton of work but that's motherhood in a nut shell. Maybe its just nothing. I guess I'll wait and see.

School wise, we apprently make too much money for our age (no one seems to care that that money goes on a MORTGAGE and BABY!) so I'll just have to see if one class a semester is affordable for awhile. If I have to borrow money from someone for the payments then its just something I have to do. I have to finish. I'm too close to give up and I have only art classes left...