Monday, February 25, 2008

money matters

So I submitted my application back into the university I went to while I was pregnant with Kai. No problems, other than an address change. I plan on going part-time...plan-assuming that financial aid will take up enough of it to render it plausible. I like school, college was always great fun, but then I'm an art major. What's not fun about that? I hope I can go back. I feel the need to do something to help my families' income. I'm writing on my book, but who can tell if that will even ever sell...I mean we have enough for essentials, and our income is good for our age. Danny works so hard, I want to feel that I'm helping him more. My boss hasn't passed me a project in two months. I also reactivated my substitute teaching resume, and that should help the situation some.

That being said-I'd like to jsut stay home and make my living writing. That and art are about the only things I'm good at....

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