Monday, April 12, 2010

been a long time!

We have a son, Kirin Taiho, now (yes I was indeed pregnant! Thank goodness for the 2 year gap. And yes despite having the "perfect" (boy and girl duo) we'd do it again too! When asked why, all I can tell you is that our children are uniquely awesome. And the world is a better place because they exist. (they are the children of my full of super-hero like goodness husband, afterall). Of course being honest, I do think having had trouble conceiving impacted us, as did our pregnancy loss the first time around. My ob always asked if we would consider having four. I think we would. Honestly. And wouldn't it be refreshing to see a happy fat girl with a bustling traditional house full of kiddos and a sweet husband? Stuff of dreams I tell you.

I pretty much gave up on continuing the university, after being jerked around alot and facing the possiblity of time away from our family (and watching beloved friends go DEEEEP into debt to hold that second piece of paper, and it makes me wish I'd been more thoughtful on all the work we had to do just to get our associate piece of paper-and how stupid it is to measure your worth with that 50,000 piece of paper). My husband works so hard, taking away our time together or with our children right now is unfair at best and not something I want for a degree in an industry that doesn't care for it as much as it cares for what YOU can DO-so I've zeroed in on what I can do. And the book is so close to finished. Danny has helped me edit, kept me on course. I obviously won't be using much of my time to update on here between writing and our daily stuff-and Kai is 3 now and starting a bit of preschool homeschooling.

So I'll drop in to say if something else life-changing happens.



Anonymous said...

Well I do love your babies like they are my babies... even tho they kinda are my babies too. haha... If you had more I would love them too. but wait a few years so at least one of our babies can grow up together. oh this is me Trica!

Erica said...

well i think i sort of got danny to agree to four...

odds are at least one of ours will grow up together.

but jee whiz get movin', your ovaries are going to grow cobwebs child.